“At The Holistic Hair Studio, we believe that true beauty extends beyond the mirror and into the world around us. Our journey towards sustainability is not just a commitment, it's a celebration of the harmony between environmental care and personal beauty. Every strand of hair we recycle, every product we repurpose, brings us closer to our vision of a world where beauty rituals contribute positively to our planet. We're not just styling hair; we're crafting a legacy of environmental stewardship for our community in Alexandria and beyond." -

The Holistic Hair Studio Team

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Our Journey to a Greener Salon

Welcome to The Holistic Hair Studio Alexandria where beauty and sustainability intertwine.

At the Holistic Hair studio, we’ve joined the ranks of over 16,000 Waste Warriors, revolutionizing our salon to not just create beauty, but to nurture our planet. Our commitment to sustainability has reshaped the way we operate, making us a proud certified sustainable salon.

Embracing the Green Revolution

• Sustainable Practices: We've revolutionized our salon by recovering up to 95% of our beauty waste. From hair clippings to foils and color tubes, we ensure that our operations contribute to a circular economy, moving towards carbon neutrality.

Eco-Conscious Clientele: In our salon, we cater to the 84% of salon guests who value a salon's environmental impact. By choosing us, they choose a greener planet.

• Investing in Green Technology: Our commitment to sustainability has led us to invest in eco-friendly technologies. This not only conserves energy and reduces waste but also translates into cost savings for our salon.

Making a Real Environmental Impact

• Transforming Hair Waste: Every day, we contribute to reducing the 63,000 pounds of hair waste that typically ends up in landfills, turning what was once waste into something beneficial.

Repurposing Hair Color Products: We've tackled the issue of the 42,000 pounds of excess hair color products discarded daily. Our innovative methods ensure these don't harm our water and soil.

Recycling Metals: Our salon is part of the solution in managing the 110,000 pounds of metals, like hair foils, discarded by salons across North America.

• PPE Waste Management: In our commitment to safety and sustainability, we've implemented a program to recycle materials like gloves and masks, significantly reducing our environmental footprint.

Handling Single-Use Items: We've developed effective strategies for managing single-use items, drastically cutting down our contribution to landfill waste.

Paper & Plastic Recycling: We ensure that paper and plastic in our salon are recycled responsibly.

Our Collective Impact

We're proud to be part of a movement that has kept over 10 million pounds of beauty waste out of landfills and waterways. Our salon is more than just a place for beauty; it's a hub for environmental stewardship.

Powered by Vagaro Salon SoftwareSpa Software & Fitness Software

Join us in our mission to create beauty without waste, and be part of a global movement making a tangible difference for our planet. At our salon, every service is a step towards a more sustainable and beautiful world.